仕 様;Designed for the advanced shot put, discus, hammer, and 35lb thrower looking for the most technically advanced throwing shoe.Durable mesh with a seamless vamp and a forefoot rand.Midfoot strap and an external heel counter for lockdown.Full-length, thin EVA midsole for low-profile, lightweight protection.Full-length BRS 1000 smooth rubber with a full-length Pebax plate for durability, responsive underfoot feel, and improved fit.Wt. 11.0 oz.
★残り少なくなってきておりますのでご希望の方は入札前 に必 ず在庫を質問欄又はメールにて zx12r9919@hotmail.comま でお問い合わせください。(他のカテゴリーにも出品致しておりますので御入 札前に在庫終了しているサイズも御座います。)
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仕 様;Designed for the advanced shot put, discus, hammer, and 35lb thrower looking for the most technically advanced throwing shoe.Durable mesh with a seamless vamp and a forefoot rand.Midfoot strap and an external heel counter for lockdown.Full-length, thin EVA midsole for low-profile, lightweight protection.Full-length BRS 1000 smooth rubber with a full-length Pebax plate for durability, responsive underfoot feel, and improved fit.Wt. 11.0 oz.